September 27, 2007

For Jaja

So you like the sunset? well, it just got done raining here in Abuja and was on my way outta this plantation when I saw this pretty scene, yolk-yellow sun rays. The sun can be seen setting in the horizon. I have a crappy phone, but I guess it's the the thought that counts, eh!? It was/is prettier than this, believe me.

Set 1

Set 2


classybabe said...

The picture looks nice,so your "crappy" phone tried.Love the view/setting

Admin UD said...

nice one ;)

LurLar said...

Nice Shot!!!

Jaja said...

Brilliant one Yosh and how thoughtful..

Infact for this i have to plan this my trip qick, so I can involve you in some serious booze...

Can I downlaod the pic? or do u want to mail them to me?

Cheers Man!

Brilliantly Me said...

It's so sad that it's nearly impossible to capture the sunset with a camera. As much as I try, it never looks as beautiful as it does in real life.

Ms. Catwalq said...

for jaja ke?
hmn, i now see....

Anonymous said...

Beautiful pictures!

(PS - it's the great mofo delurk (see my blog for details) so I'm here to leave a comment and wish you a wonderful week!)


Anonymous said...

wow...nice view. Would love to see such now, considering how it's been in Ldn lately.

Anonymous said...

gorgeous pictures

Ms. Catwalq said...

just checking in

יש (Yosh) said...

E'ry1 else: Thanks o!

Jaja: Anytime, man! Sure u can 'right-click' the thingy and save on to your hard drive. I'm not the RIAA abi wetin dem de call 'em. No patents here, broda! :)\

Rayo: So true...need some bad as camera for a 'bally' capture of the whole ellipse at sunset, I guess.

Nice to see u around here

Catty: Lol...don't 'see' anything else but u and me oO! U know u'll get the newest luminary , and not just the sun.

u 2 mussch


Lovely pics!!!

cally-waffybabe said...
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