So you like the sunset? well, it just got done raining here in Abuja and was on my way outta this plantation when I saw this pretty scene, yolk-yellow sun rays. The sun can be seen setting in the horizon. I have a crappy phone, but I guess it's the the thought that counts, eh!? It was/
is prettier than this, believe me.
Set 1
Set 2
The picture looks nice,so your "crappy" phone tried.Love the view/setting
nice one ;)
Nice Shot!!!
Brilliant one Yosh and how thoughtful..
Infact for this i have to plan this my trip qick, so I can involve you in some serious booze...
Can I downlaod the pic? or do u want to mail them to me?
Cheers Man!
It's so sad that it's nearly impossible to capture the sunset with a camera. As much as I try, it never looks as beautiful as it does in real life.
for jaja ke?
hmn, i now see....
Beautiful pictures!
(PS - it's the great mofo delurk (see my blog for details) so I'm here to leave a comment and wish you a wonderful week!)
wow...nice view. Would love to see such now, considering how it's been in Ldn lately.
gorgeous pictures
just checking in
E'ry1 else: Thanks o!
Jaja: Anytime, man! Sure u can 'right-click' the thingy and save on to your hard drive. I'm not the RIAA abi wetin dem de call 'em. No patents here, broda! :)\
Rayo: So true...need some bad as camera for a 'bally' capture of the whole ellipse at sunset, I guess.
Nice to see u around here
Catty: Lol...don't 'see' anything else but u and me oO! U know u'll get the newest luminary , and not just the sun.
u 2 mussch
Lovely pics!!!
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