March 22, 2008



Hiya, peoples! How's it going? So the month of March marches on and I'm just trying to get a grip of it all.

Something happened that reinforces most of my long-held credo and also refine those I have flimsy of. I'd just talk about marriage and go home:

...Marriage is contractual (duh). Based on this premise, both parties should try and get the best bargain. Entering with a full deck of cards, a good agreement can be reached. Sometimes, this deal happens to be one-sided and in a situation where the latter is the case, we see an uneven yoke; where either of the party takes undue blame/criticism when things go the other way.

So what to do? How can you ensure your marriage isn't a case study? Well, I'll leave some tsks

1. What's his/her social background?
2. What's his/her educational background?
3. What's his/her family background?
4. What's his/her financial background?
5. What's his/her chosen career path?
6. Does s/he have any exceptional skills that can come in handy...Just in case...?
7. Does s/he have an expensive taste? Is s/he high maintenance?
8. Does s/he have a huge appetite for money?
9. How driven is s/he?
10. Is s/he healthy? *you don't wanna get involved with a liability

Caveat: I'm not endorsing a mundane or materialistic view of marital life. This isn't 'that part ' of MSN Money, but some things just can't be ignored and I'm sure some of us know what I'm on about.

So that's about that!

Dumb friend

How dumb can someone get?

So one of my friends sure loves getting laid. The only qualms I have with that is that he has says he has qualms using rubber. So what he do? He went ahead and got tested for the HIV; and guess what he did? He goes about with a miniature-sized copy of his test result as proof that he doesn't have the virus.
Then he tells me has some problem: when time comes for him to bone some chick without the coat and she resists, insisting he gets wrapped up, he claims he whips out his test result as insurance and tries to convince her to let 'em rock on.
I ask him how long he intends to keep up with this and he tells me for as long as he can handle running frequent and updated tests with positive results.
I tell him the threat isn't one-sided; it isn't just about him infecting someone but it also involves him getting infected by someone who is ready for some action when he shows that he's 'clean'. It appears I'm hitting blanks with the young man.

He sounds so incredibly naïve, sad but true!

Oh, finally, I haven't read a book that made me itch, literally, in a long while. I laid hands on "The Eleventh Plague". It's a good read, boosts paranoia! :D Not for the too critical-eyed types out there.


Anonymous said...

Nice to see you're alive, Josh.

I've been writing a lot about finding love on my new blog so I can definitely relate to this entry. You're right of course: it's important to enter into a relationship where both parties have some important yet practial things in common. Fine, they don't have to have everything in common but common sense dictates that perhaps it can't be a bad thing to consider things like religion and moral values at the very least. And yes, what a nightmare if a frugal, thrifty person finds themselves married to someone who has to spend every penny in their pocket and can't save a penny to save their own life!

- - -
And about your very crazy friend: good grief! He is a nightmare waiting to happen and like you said, is he making sure that the women he's sleeping with are clean? He seems to be trying to make sure he's isn't infecting anyone but what about the woman he's about to sleep with? What if she's already infected? Also, what if he's just slept with someone who gave him HIV and it's taking some time for the virus to show up in him? Then he may have spread the virus to someone else accidentally.

My life is far to precious to risk on sex so cavalierly like that.

Good luck to him.

Jennifer A. said...

I dunno what to say abt ur friend. Can someone really still be this naive in this 21st century we're in? Lol.

Yes, there are some basic things that are "good" to know before we all fall in love, just that it doesn't quite happen that way all the time. Lol.

Nice post.