October 5, 2007


TO SAY OR NOT TO SAY: "I do; Yes; or Maybe"

The rates at which marriages fail is alarming. What can make someone start thinking of divorce on the wedding night? It's soo absurd. And usually it's not just people who do not know each other. These are people who have, most likely, slept with each other and spent some intimate time together, now to start acting like they just or never met each other before is unbecoming. 'How can that be?' you may ask. Well, I've come up with something:

A 'maybe' answer should be introduced and acceptable in the case where the marriage officiator asks the usual "...agree to have and to hold, till death do you part?" question. Instead of saying, I-do or yes, the bride and groom should be allowed to say 'maybe' afterwards. Of course, this should not be shocking because the couple should have agreed to this before they decide to take it to the altar. And if possible, the marriage officiator should have been debriefed prior to his officiating to expect a 'maybe' answer from either the bride or groom, after the latter group would have given much thought to the implications of the decision they are about to make and step they are both about to take. I will explain myself.

Those who argue that it's either yes or no, the "Pro-I-Do" group postulate that saying, Yes or I-do serves as a sealant to the vow. It is like a reminder, a frontlet band so to speak, to keep each partner in check because it triggers in them the fact that they are married, thus making them more devoted.

And I argue, does maybe not also put some sort of 'seal' on the agreement? The numerous reported cases of infidelity shows that most culprits go into the act with their 9 senses. These are individuals who have said I-do or yes to the marriage officiator's earlier mentioned line. So saying I-do or Yes does not guarantee a 'happily ever after'.

On the other hand, the maybe answer will make both parties involved aware of their imperfection and thus they'd endeavor to stay the course. The human mind, though, is deceptive and I'm sure if the maybe line were to be in place, a lot of people will take advantage and say 'at least I never committed myself...remember I said 'maybe'?' Excuse for loose conduct.

My premise is based on the case that a successful marriage does not depend on whether either the man or woman said 'yes, I do, or maybe' on their wedding day. Rather, it is based on commitment and honesty.
Just as couples who say Yes or I do strive to make things up to each other when the need arises, thus working towards an binding marriage, so can those who say maybe after their vows, on D-day. They can channel their energies into transforming their 'maybes' into full-fledged 'yeses'. I am a strong advocate of being faithful to one's marriage mate and making things work. The 'maybe-peeps' should be given a chance to prove themselves, instead of believing that they will not follow through.

Further, instead of people going blindly into marriage, or going in with deception, or worse still with a silent maybe, knowing they aren't ready to stick to their guns, thru thick and thin, they can take a chance on going in with a maybe and then work to make it a yes, and so forth. In essence, there'd be no reason to be bored in marriage, with the reminder that you have work to do; a sense of duty. If I have my way, I'd say maybe, cos you can never be 100% sure. Or, can you?

What do you guys think? 'Maybe' I'd look back years later and ask myself where I woke the day I wrote this. Or...maybe not. :)

New Pet?

I think I have a new pet...I think! I'm calling her Cinder; she's a stray cat that found its way into the plenum area in the kitchen and has since made itself comfortable. I climbed on a ladder, peeked in and found its blue-green eyes glowing in the dark. Since it's discovery, mom has been terrified and I fear for Cinder's fate. It's going to be suicidal bringing it into the house at this stage. For now, I'll just make do smuggling some leftovers to it up there.

I've always wanted a cat for a pet. I prefer a cat to a dog 'cos it will always remain portable. Pups would grow into large dogs that, unless I castrate him or 'sterilize' her, it'd either poke or be poked. I can't afford the mess. But cats? Depending on the breed, they can only grow more weighty, but more cuddly. I love they way they mew, lick their paws and snuggle up close, purring. Cats are like girlfriends, only difference is, you can't make out with it (at least not for me).

I have read a lot of stories where someone saved a pet and both the savior and the saved end up bonding so well, forging a closeness akin to a male-female relationship. Again, I'm not talking bestiality here. Just, a simple, corny relationship where you find yourself talking to your pet on return from a trip out, like I found myself doing
yesterday evening, as I walked into the kitchen to get supper:

Me: Cindy...you up there? Meeeoooowwh! *knocking the ceiling board*

Cinder: Meeeooww.....meeew...

But it's up there and all I can do is to keep being nice to it, till it probably leaves some day, or as I picture it, bring it in?

Or in the more ideal scenario, as I picture it to be:

*I unlock the main door as I get home from work...anywhere*

Me: Hey, Ciiinddiiii...Are you there?

Cinder: *purring loudly and rubbing at my feet* Meeeeewww...

Me: Ah, there you are! *bending over to pick it up*

Cinder: *purrrrrrrrrrrrs*

Me: Did you have a good day? Mine was pissy. The lady over at O'Neal's was such a grouch. She didn't pay attention to me...too much mayo on my burger. Here, I've got something for you

*I unwrap some meatballs and other orishirishi, placing it inside its litter. It licks my hand....*

Me: There you go...

Cinder: *lying on its back so I can rub its tummy, purrring out loud in approval*

Random Thoughts:

Does Nigeria engage in any form of espionage: political, military, economic or otherwise? At least, it is widely believed that most foreign embassies, consulates and diplomatic outposts are rigged full with spies. I wonder what Nigerian diplomats et al do at Nigerian embassies and consulates abroad. Or do they just hustle to get posted abroad in order to receive estacodes, churn out visas to all and sundry, host and attend diplomatic functions and get fat on their butts? I smell a lot of rotting and rotten fish lately and I don't see why we can't pay back in like. I won't go in to much details...those who should know would understand what I mean :-s ... Or maybe I shouldn't worry! Maybe I'm just overreacting and my imaginations are running wild, no thanks to Tom Clancy & John (Clamp) Sanford. *sighs*

Well, gotta run now. Enjoy your weekend, peeps and be easy, like Sunday morning :)


Ms. Catwalq said...

u're such a softie...
u need to make sure Cinder has no rabies before you and her start tapping each other's current...

will be back to comment on the marriage issue. have to skip class to take a nap before my head rolls off my neck...

PS: u like the base of the throat? hmnnnnnnnnnnn

Sam Oracle said...

Na true ooh.

Marriage is for better or worse.
Do you agree? I DO. lol.

LurLar said...

It's a funny unrealistic thought...that i dnt quite agree with it. I think MOST people go into marraige for all d wrong reasons.Marraige should be solely based on LOVE...nd it's just like do you really LOVE this fella or gal,nd u say MAYBE...den dats no love. If you truly love some1,nd u r SURE u r compatible with eachother, u shld be able to say YES i will stick with u during the times of trouble,not MAYBE. Just my own personal Opnion.

Hmmm goodluck with ur new found pet. I dnt like cats at all,dnt like Dogs either. Cats just have some kinda smell i dislike.

I never knew people can get so sexually attached to their pets *sigh*

Femme said...

if there is a chance it isnt going to be for ever, some people could elect to say 'maybe'. then we know they are being sincere and we dont have to hide our snickers behind our hands(tomcat)

Femme said...

if there is a chance it isnt going to be for ever, some people could elect to say 'maybe'. then we know they are being sincere and we dont have to hide our snickers behind our hands(tomcat)

Admin UD said...

... a successful marriage does not depend on whether either the man or woman said 'yes, I do, or maybe' on their wedding day. Rather, it is based on commitment and honesty.

...that says it all, hope peeps are reading. One can actually say those words and go back and sleep with the househelp the next day. it doesn't end there, unfortunately..

NigeriaPolitricks.com said...

ur attraction to a stray cat just grosses me out...please get it checked for rabbies n d likes before ur feline attraction starts boning up ur cojones!

badderchic said...

Marriages? people have the mistaken impression its all peaches and cream...ye righ!

CAT KE? if u like call me razz but havent u ever heard of olongbo iya agba? (the old womans cat) yoruba movies from back in the day, left a distinctive impression, how are u sure it is not a human being disguised as a cat? at least pour holy water on it, if it squirms? CALL YOUR PASTOR O! lol thanks for dropping by.

Anonymous said...

lmao... you got me hooked on this 'maybe' idea...

Lighty 'neferet' Kopearl said...

so u think u'll be saying 'maybe' on ur wedding day?

aww about cinder, how beautiful
i love cats, i know, most naija people hate cats, but i love cats.
i once had one named minnie after mickey's minnie, i absolutely adored it, but it ran away after 4 years and never came back. never bore any kittens cause it fell into chemical once and it took it a month to recover fully. strong enough to survive it every said. it ran away after i left the home and no one ever saw or heard of it again. we spent 4 beautiful years together. lol.

now there this one that follows me home from anywhere. it plays alot running back and forth, i name it pinocchio, people think am insane, oh well.

am so sorry abt the long post. sorri.

Jaja said...

Its interesting, your concern about falling-apart marriages...

For me, it has to be a solid 'Yes' and a desire o work at it, else there would be a pointlessness to the marriage thing..

I realise anyway that what u mean by 'maybe' must be that atitude of teachability and humbleness one brings, knowing there are fallible...But insisting on the committment..

about your cat, whatistsname, I think cats are creepy, they have that look in their eyes that convinces u that there is more to them than u ll ever know.. and they have quiet ways..

anyway since she loves you...

I ll be going off to camp tommorrow...

Ms. Catwalq said...

okay. it's time for an update.

יש (Yosh) said...

Catty: Yeah, that nape region is...is... *gulps*

Thx for the comments, guys! Of course we all carry differing opinions on such matters as commitments/friendships and relationships, what works for one might not work for others. I think whatever decision is taking, it is all going to be mutual!

and for some who think I am, I'm not getting sexually attracted to the cat o!. If you have a pet, there'd be times you 'pet' it, but of course not being suggestive here! :)


Hmm, me i no gree for the maybe option, but in a way, I understand. Anyway, as long as both parties are on the same page then maybe could be option, right

As for spies, I grew up in an embassy environment and can tell you that Nija has their own spooks. Whether they are cloak and dagger like your favorite CIA-based novel or movie is a whole other matter. Every country spies on the other. It is just a part of the game.

How Abuja?

cally-waffybabe said...

This post reminds me of something very funny i once watched on tv. There's this program they sometimes show over here called Divorce Court (kinda like Judge Judy, but this is mainly for divorces). The judge is a black lady with a sense of humour.
On this particular day, this couple came to state to the judge, their reasons for requesting a divorce.

Woman: *drawling and making funny facial expressions* Your honour, i knew my marriage was over from the first day.
Judge: *mimicking woman's drawl and funny faces* You knew your marriage was over from the first day?
Woman: Yeah your honour. I knew my marriage was over from the first day, when the minister asked him if he promised to lo me and honour me forever, and he said i gu..ess *twisting mouth and drawling even harder to empasise the guess*
Judge: *mimicking woman exactly* He said i gu..ess???

You needed to have seen this clip. It was just too funny!!!

Ms. Catwalq said...


rethots said...

...interesting discuss. Naturally, would think marriages are till death takes one. Hence, if one wants to enter (which i believe's usually by choice anyway) then, the committed one must be and work towards making it last (at least that's the rules of the game).
A wild thot... why don't we just co-habit and move on when....

Anonymous said...

big fight happening on unshined congo's blog.

Simply Gorgeous said...

I am guessing the marriage thing did not work out with XSN? As for espionage I know someone who does that for Nigeria- so yes....

badderchic said...


*hisses and rolls eyeballs*

oya please nah update nah!