I really missed you blog guys o! Forreals, 'cos I really saw the need, more than ever to get this internet thingy @ home so we can continue from wherever we stopped during the day (my time, or the other way) and I cannot wait to really jumpstart the process. But I feel
awon aiye kinda have some hands in me not being able to pull that one off, yet. But we shall see who's tougher.
So where do I start? From Wednesday, actually 'cos it was since then I started getting wind of some out-of-the-blue holiday proposed by the Fed. Govt. Be that as it may, it had some political-beef undertones, but I wouldn't bother going there now. We just had to go with the crowd. So trying to meet and beat some schedule starting then, I couldn't really get to pull off any stunts to drop by some blog lines. I'll just dedicate this post to some peeves from before my online break, thoroughly starting Thursday and lasting thru d weekend:
Prior to Friday:
I was pulled into this project 'cos I was told I "had a lot of experience to gather" if I participate. I couldn't object. Well, I did "get" some things, but I wasn't overly impressed because, well I simply wasn't fascinated with this "discovery". Sometimes I wish I could just quit my job or this whole tech-business career, get a lot of money on my hand to hook me up to the internet, sit on the computer all day and do things I really find interest in: Reading the classics, studying Social sciences and other humanities-related stuff and just blending minds with others with similar interest. Sounds like a good retirement idea? No? Well, sha, this last week got me thinking in that line.
Anyhoos, one of the guy on the project just pushed off this heat that didn't settle well with me. So in the angst that followed, I opened my eyes to seeing stuff that I normally would ignore. I guess talking about this peoples' quirks will go a long way with helping me deal with it, and others I cannot mention now:
Snoring: Why do some men, and sometimes women, snore? To me, it is very disgusting and embarrassing. And I guess it's because I'm not a victim of this "ill" that's making me talk about it in this manner. Those who are involved claim it is an involuntary reality, but hmmm, na wa o! My dad snores, my brothers snore, amongst other close ppl. But I no like the thing at all and I've tried talking my folks into trying to kill it, but it seems it's just not working.
Well, two incidents this past week: This one guy I was working with, he breathes so loudly you'd think he's sleeping. I kept peeking above the PC at intervals to make sure he won't dent the computer monitor when his head bangs. But that's just how he is. He's chubby, has gathered a lot of meat around his neck area and has fairly rotund tummy. And when he walks just over a short distance, his breathing increases rapidly like he's been working the treadmill like a mo'fo. I feel bad for him and I cannot imagine being with him in the same room at night.
The other incident was with the cab driver, coincidentally, though. Dude had kola-battered-teeth that had gone through a lot of discoloration. But that wasn't the hit. Everytime he exhaled, it's more like he snore-sighed from a deep slumber. No, he was grunting, really! I felt bad for the man sha. And had to keep checking him out as we rode to ensure he isn't snoozing behind the wheels.
Bad Breath: So one of those mornings we had to report to site on time, this other guy came with a new one. He claims he hurriedly left home and didn't have breakfast. I'd assume that brushing your mouf before u leave home would to a good extent help reduce the fetor coming from the pie hole. But this guy carried his morning breath from his arrival, way into noon. It was hard for me working with him 'cos we had to communicate often and sharing the same computer monitor with him at those times was war.
Halitosis is a big downer. That is just unprofessional, to me sha. I see a lot of respectable-looking, dressed-to-kill individuals, but all of those "flyness" fly outta d window once they open their mouth to speak. I mean, whatever career path u choose, I think there's some General Elective on Health Management tips and such where you learn personal hygiene 101. Shizzus!
"Singing": There are people who love music. Music is so powerful that it wells up your deepest emotions and feelings and you just can't help but to respond to the stimuli, either by humming, rocking yourself in the seat, wherever you are or even outright dancing. But all these are different from trying to impress and you end up killing the mood totally. How do I mean? Well, if you don't know the lyrics to a song, you can do two things: Check up on it and try mastering some part or whole of the song, so u can happily and confidently sing along when the song is on. Or the other option: shut the fuck up already and stop bothering me with your high-pitch, monotonous tunes. You aren't doing the song, artist or yourself any favors. Unfortunately, you happen to be the most heard cos you are so friggin loud!
After-Loo Use: Wash AND dry your hands once you are out of that
shege. Don't come out, hands wet/moist, dripping water on me or objects around. ALSO, do your zippers up and tuck your shirts in properly (if they were that way before u went in, that is). So this guy just walked out of the loo (no offense to muslims), but he's a muslim and you know how the guys do when they finish the do. I'll spare you the details. But what was obvious is that there was so much watermark on his backside when he walked past. Maybe his undies didn't absorb everything, or mayhap he wasn't wearing any. It was like he peed his pants, fullstop. Thing is, he couldn't do it any better than that. Shucks!
Ah, I think I'd rest my case, now that I've gotten those off my mind. It was quite a grumpy day and my grandma kept appearing to me in a dream saying that I had to talk about it else...
Talking about dreams, I really got to finishing this book over the weekend. It is those 192-pages type. I felt incomplete after reading all that thing about telepathy, out-of-body projections and psychokinesiology (psychokinetic manipulations) because my stimulant for reading it is half the world away and there'd be no practicing, at least for now. But that'd be something worth trying. The possibilities are endless, and to think that some people just have this ability inborn makes me so jealous. But till I can really get to try some of those, I'll just nurse it for now. And I finished this other Fantasy novel. Boy, the whole magic, sorcery, spells and stuff were killers. I'll post a spell I copied outta the book maybe in another post.
The rest (ramblings):This song about "money can't buy me love" was on. I don't buy that totally. Money CAN and DOES buy one love. But it doesn't buy
true love. That is the yardstick-
true love. So it depends on individuals to be satisfied with what they can get. Buy ordinary love and be contented with that. Or whether to strive for true love. It's all with our choices, in the end. So, guys, ladies out there, strive for the money and make your choice. Money can buy you love, but maybe not true love. Make your choice, really!
Gripe: Now why does this S.O.B. think I'm not game enough to get a girl? Just cos I'm a nerd, or close to it, doesn't mean I cannot walk up to a girl and do my thang if I want to. Hmmmph...some guys with drama sha. I guess it's the same on both sides of d board.Elections 2007:On Saturday, April 14th, resident-citizens of the different 36 states in Naija went to the polls to elect their new governors, councillors (counselors?), and what not. Some states have confirmed the various results of the exercise, others are yet to agree to the outcome of theirs, still others would have to repeat theirs. Saturday, 21st will be the most crucial - the presidential elections. The first civilian government transition in the history of Naija. The international media have eyes on the whole thing.
Just like a lot of other Nigerians, this past Saturday, I was technically disenfranchised. It was one of the most thoroughly, lazy Saturday I've ever had in a long time. Awoke, lazied in bed, red some book, breakfast in bed, read more from the book, slept for hours, awoke, read the book, got out of bed, safe-strolled a little, brushed my teeth, took a bath, had lunch in bed, read the book, election over, strolled out, came home, watched some comedy, had supper, talked some...and went to bed! What a day! Well, my point is, a lot of people did not go out to vote. The few I called, exchanged txt msgs with tell me they are at home also. Like seriously, I am yet to meet someone who cast a vote. Not saying that no one did, I'm just surprised that ALL the people I know and have heretofore spoken with, didn't bother going out, some have "good" reasons for not voting. I'll pair them in two groups:
Group 1: Registered, but forgot their voter's card somewhere so automatically they will not be allowed to vote where they currently find themselves *without their card - and they could care less, really. You could tell from the way they responded when asked about their card and exercising their "civil responsibility".
Group 2: I fall under this category, say what u want. Well, we didn't even bother registering 'cos we really don't care. The outcome of the election is as good as settled, esp. the presidential election slated for the 21st. From the look of things, you may share our sentiments. Anyway, some day maybe this attitude will change. Time will tell, this is Naija!
Emmm, well for those who managed to vote, the results from the election says so much. I won't give any specific figures cos I really don't know for now, but you can get an idea from what I've got to say (if u care to read on). Let's take the beloved Lagos, for instance. Of the millions who reside in the state, the total result of votes cast, of all parties combined shows that a good number of the citizenry didn't vote. This can be attributed to the reasons in Groups 1 & 2 above. But a winner will always come forth, and of course a loser. Babatunde Fashola was said to have won in Lagos under the Action Congress umbrella. He fought it hard with the PDP aspirant, Tunde Obanikoro, but the win margin was higher. Lagos never liked PDP, anyways. The latter party will have a hard time winning in Lagos, just like previous elections have shown. I tend to like Lagos politics the more (though marred with so much mayhem). The results tend to be more plausible, compared to other states.
If you care so much to monitor the elections, you could check the Bullshit BroadCasting Corporation's (BBC) web site with "
Special Reports" on the election. Or if you are more "patriotic" and fear reading something "regurgigated", follow up with the
Independent National Electoral Commission's (INEC) web site . There's a pretty face somewhere in the flash presentation atop the page, so don't get distracted by that. Don't be lazy and play with the hyperlinks on the left side of the screen.
Enough politics, gotta get some food, cos I'm really hungry!